Top Tips For Learning


Join Tabz (David Taberner), Hettie and Emily as they bring us another video assembly / collective worship during lockdown on the theme of how we can best shape our behaviour to help ourselves and those around us learn that best we can. Hettie’s Top Tips for learning:

  1. Be ready
  2. Be respectful and responsible
  3. Think about others
  4. Go the extra mile
  5. Celebrate achievements

Learning Objectives:

  • To widen understanding of the Christian faith and Biblical parables.
  • To implement widened understanding through exploring our own emotions and accepting how we feel in a variety of situations.
  • To see an impact in how we express our emotions in a healthy way, especially how respond to situations we feel strongly about.

Session plan:

Intro: Tabz welcomes Hettie and Emily who introduce the session.

Game: The Amazing Maze | Watchers follow the maze using their fingers to try and get to the end before Hettie and Emily! (Alternatively a light or pen could be used on a whiteboard for one player to follow the maze and try to win).

Story: ‘Sow, sow, sow your seeds’ from Bob Hartman’s Rhyming Bible, based upon the story of the parable of the sower from Matthew 13:1-23.

Game: The Strength Test | Hettie and Tabz hold out books to see how long they can keep them held out for. (Players could join in with this and see if they can hold a book out longer than Hettie and Tabz).

Thought: Reflections on learning and 5 top tips to become a better learner, which will help themselves, their friends and teachers.

Challenge: Choose one of the top tips to work on this week!

SMSC Impact:


This session reflects upon the Christian story of the parable of the sower and how we can grow as learners.


Pupils are encouraged to consider how their actions affect themselves and those around them, namely other learners and their teachers.


The children are invited to reflect personally and discuss with others what they can work on to become a better learner for themselves, a better class member for their peers and a better student for their teachers.


Our country, although historically a Christian nation, is now home to many people of differing cultures, backgrounds and beliefs. In these sessions, pupils have the opportunity to celebrate and reflect respectfully on our similarities, differences and the role faith plays in the lives of people around the world.

Let us know who’s watching…

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