Alongside our other RE & PSCHE lessons, we are keen to offer more of our Walk Through The Bible lessons. Walk Through the Bible is today’s largest global network of Bible teachers, presenting fun and engaging overviews of the Bible to all sorts of audiences. The ‘OT Mini’ Course is a particular set of five RE lessons giving an overview of the Old Testament for Year 5 and/or Year 6, through 40 short stories, each with memorable hand signs. The lessons tie in really closely with Understanding Christianity on the Church of England’s KS2 curriculum. David (Tabz) is trained by WTTB and has worked with them to offer OT Mini locally in three of our local primary schools.

The feedback from staff and pupils is always very positive, with pupils referring to the lessons as the highlight of their week and some of them even wishing the Bible was bigger! Each story is led in an interactive, visual and participatory manor with a focus on placing each within their historic and geographical context – really bringing the Bible to life memorably and effectively.

Main objectives:

  • To offer local primary school children an accredited resource for understanding Christianity, fitting perfectly with the ‘People of God’ unit for upper Key Stage Two.
  • To teach the biblical storyline with accuracy, with no spiritual applications, in a way that children can enjoy and engage with the stories presented.
  • To deepen relationships with schools and pupils as they approach the end of KS2
  • To provide a solid footing of Bible knowledge that pupils can draw upon when exploring the applications of the Gospel for themselves, making their own personal response and growing in faith.


We value this project at £250 per class: 5hrs teaching time, 7.5hrs prep & setup time, fuel, + £10 printing & resources.

We currently work with three primary schools on this project, costing £750 per year. To extend this offer to more schools and sustain an annual provision at no cost to each partnering school (a shared ethos with WTTB nationally), we are seeking £1300 annually (5 classes = 25 lessons).