We have several series of RE and PSCHE lessons that we lead throughout the year, including “You, Me & RSE” (Relationships & Sex Education), CAP Money Kids, Walk Through The Bible, active RE lessons, and much more. (Valued at £40-£80 per lesson, depending on scale.)
‘You, me and RSE’ is a unit of work for year 5&6 covering the RSE curriculum, created in line with government guidance and in consultation with local schools. The unit provides pupils with factual information from trusted adults that helps them to learn about positive relationships including romantic relationships, puberty and reproduction. The sessions contain different activities to engage pupils and give them many opportunities for discussion.
The unit was requested by local Headteachers and written by SASWTrust. Parents, staff and pupils have given feedback on this work and parents in particular have valued being involved and commented on how perfectly pitched the lessons are for the age group. After requests from staff, a second unit was created for the end of Y6 preparing the pupils for specific challenges at high school. This unit considers physical and mental health, boundaries, consequences and making good choices, including not taking away the choices of others (consent). These sessions help pupils to make more informed choices around what they watch, play and do, considering the reasons for age ratings and consequences of certain actions.

Main objectives:
- To partner with schools in providing an education in:
- what to look for in a good friend and how to be a good friend
- how to recognise the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships
- what someone can do if they are in an unhealthy relationship
- what makes every family different and unique
- what marriage is and why some people choose to get married
- physical and mental health and wellbeing
- how bodies change during puberty and how to handle those changes
- how babies are conceived, form, grow and are born
- To deliver quality sessions that provide a helpful service to schools
- To instil confidence in pupils as they grow so that they understand how precious they are and are worthy of being treated well
- To share Christian values for positive relationships and love at the heart of the Christian faith
We value this project at £300 per class: 6hrs teaching time, 4hrs prep & setup time, fuel, £20 printing & resources, plus a fraction of the cost of content creation. The Year 6 package is an add-on, which is 2 lessons rather than 4.
We currently work with five Year 5 classes and two Year 6 classes on this project, costing £1,400 per year. To extend this offer to all five Year 6 classes and sustain an annual provision at no cost to each partnering school, we are seeking £1,700 annually.