Since the beginning of the 2020 lockdown for COVID-19, we’ve been creating videos to best help local young people develop well-being; address ‘real-talk’ issues of mental health; unpack personal, social, citizenship, health, moral, spiritual and cultural issues; and address topics that cater to pastoral needs.
After a few months in we realised with some tweaking these videos would make a great teaching resource in secondary schools, each meeting different areas of the curriculum across PSCHE, RE, SMSC.
We’ve now made these available for FREE to any school to use as a video resource in their delivery of content during lessons or personal development time from this website. We hope you find them useful, professional and relevant to the needs of your school as we continue to grow this resource.
You can choose a video from our list of categories, using our search engine, or simply browsing through.
Here’s our short video that introduces us to your class if they’ve not come across our local schools work before:
You can use our search engine to find a video that best fits the topic you have in mind:
Or you can browse our categories:
- Anti-Bullying (1)
- Anxiety (2)
- Balancing life (3)
- Bereavement (1)
- Child Bereavement UK (1)
- Choices (3)
- Contributing to school life (1)
- Depression (1)
- Emotional Health (1)
- GCSE Choices (2)
- Introduction (2)
- Leaving your mark (1)
- Loss (1)
- Managing stress (5)
- Mental Health (7)
- Priorities (3)
- Real Talk (4)
- Resilience (2)
- School Community (1)
- Self Worth (1)
- Self-Harm (1)
- Starting Secondary School (2)
- Time Management (1)
- Volunteering (1)
- Wellbeing (9)
- Worry (2)
- Year 7 (3)
If a topic you’d like to see covered isn’t featured in our catalogue of videos, please get in touch to put in a request.