We have long-standing relationships with 70% of the primary schools in Southport, Formby and the surrounding areas (although we’d love to increase this number!)
We regularly visit many of these schools to lead assemblies or ‘collective worship’ covering a huge variety of topics such as Trust, Truthfulness, All Different All Equal, Compassion, Changes, Community, Courage, Creativity, Forgiveness, Fairness, Promises, Joy, Generosity, Good To Be Me, Justice, Perseverance, Positive Attitudes, Respect, Responsibility, Talents, Thankfulness, Bullying, Getting on and falling out, Achieving Goals, plus a range of other Christian Values and festival themes. We always have fun – using drama, music, games, and video technology – to get the message across in an engaging, interactive and memorable way.
We occasionally get asked to expand these topics into a whole day of workshops moving through the different classes in a school, providing memorable activities to help children embed the message. This may often take the form of a “Prayer Spaces In Schools” day.
We have a full range of professionally produced video assemblies, all downloadable from our website and used widely in classrooms locally and further afield. These all follow a similar format, with a relevant icebreaker, animated Bible story and engaging message from one of our team to apply the theme and leave children with a challenge to reflect on. Although originally created during the COVID pandemic for home learning and classroom bubbles, the videos remain well used with 750 views in the last 12 months. They also serve as a great preview for school staff looking to book us for live assemblies in-person from our booking catalogue.
Safe Space Assemblies project aims:
- To create a safe time and place in busy school schedules for children to connect with, and explore, the big issues of life and faith.
- To partner with schools in contributing to the moral, social, cultural and spiritual development of children through application of Biblical wisdom.
- To provide space for children to explore an understanding of God’s presence and purpose in their lives.
- To pursue an effective balance of both excellence and authenticity in presentation, engagement, pupil involvement and use of technology.
- To create memorable messages that stand out, leaving a lasting impression and contributing to children’s personal faith responses and growth journeys.
We value a standard assembly / collective worship session at anywhere between £80-£170: teaching time, prep & setup time, fuel, printing & resources. We value a uniquely tailored day-long workshop at £900.
We currently average 35 assemblies / collective worship sessions annually, costing £3,800 per year, plus around £2,500 of annual resources put into workshop days. To extend this offer to more schools and sustain an annual provision at no cost to each partnering school, we are seeking £12,600 annually.