Join Tabz (David Taberner), Hettie and Emily as they bring us another video assembly / collective worship during lockdown on the theme of Friendship. Safe Space is a project of Southport & Area Schools Worker Trust, creating a safe space to explore the big issues of life and faith in local schools.
Learning OBJECTIVES and curricular links:
- To widen understanding of the Christian values and biblical origins.
- To implement widened understanding through thinking about what we value in friendships and expressing friendship in a way we would want expressed towards us
- To see an impact to our own wellbeing through the ideas we have for sharing friendship during challenging times.
Session plan:
Intro: Tabz welcomes Hettie and Emily who introduce the assembly.
Game: Corners | Name the corners of the room 1,2,3 and 4. Players dance and when the music stops, go and stand in a corner. If they choose the corner that Hettie chooses, they must do 5 star jumps to stay in the game.
Story: ‘One friend, two friends, three friends, four’ from Bob Hartman’s Rhyming Bible, based upon the story of the paralysed man found in Luke 5:17-26.
Game: Friends game | See who knows the other person better: Hettie or Emily.
Thought: Reflections on what makes a good friend and how we can be a good friend to others.
Challenge: Encouragement to consider what a good friend does for you and go and do that for someone else this week.
SMSC Impact:
This session reflects upon the friends of the paralysed man who are mentioned in the Christian Bible and what this story can teach us about friendship.
Pupils are encouraged to consider the impact their actions have on others and how to be a good friend, especially during challenging times.
The children are invited to reflect personally and discuss with others what makes a good friend and how they can be that good friend to others.
Our country, although historically a Christian nation, is now home to many people of differing cultures, backgrounds and beliefs. In these sessions, pupils have the opportunity to celebrate and reflect respectfully on our similarities, differences and the role faith plays in the lives of people around the world.