Watch Hettie, Tabz, and Emily having fun with games, bible stories, and teaching.
ConnectKids Sundays Team give us a Sunday School / Kids Ministry session all about when Mary first heard about her promised son, Jesus. We look at how the angel brought the same message Isaiah brought hundreds of years earlier and how we can bring that message of hope to others at Christmas time.
ConnectKids is a lively, fun and challenging online resource for children’s ministry during COVID-19 lockdown in Southport, UK. Intended age: 6-11 year old. Videos are produced skilfully through Southport & Area Schools Worker Trust, with help from Christ Church Southport, and mostly consist of a 15-20 minute ‘Sunday School’ session each week. Content has a great deal of crossover with the online assembly resources produced by SASW Trust, which enables local churches to make a strategic connection for their children, building a bridge between school and church.