Hello friends! Our team are really excited to invite you to this year’s “A Vision of Hope” Conference and Celebration on 15th July 2023 inside Christ Church Southport.
If you’ve followed the work of SASW Trust for a little while you’ll probably know of two things we are usually heavily involved with each year: Sonfest Music Festival and our own End of Year Celebrations. Due to a few complications, the Sonfest team opted not to run the usual music festival outreach this year. Instead, we decided to bring the two events together, for some time of celebration, equipping and encouraging one another in our church communities and individual lives to live missionally, bringing Christian hope to all. Sounds good right?!
We’ll start the day with our SASW Trust celebration at 11am, spending some time celebrating the amazing ways hope has been spreading throughout thousands of young people in schools this year and even hearing from some of them directly. Following a break for lunch, we’re going to spend some focussed time together, hearing some inspiring keynote talks and round table discussion about our missional purpose as Christians in and around Southport – particularly regarding something that has been on our heart a lot this year: the great need amongst young people for hope right now. We’re seeing this more and more everyday in our schools, and we are desperate to help young see beyond their uncertainty of the future, lack of aspiration or ambition.
As part of this, we’re partnering up with the nation-wide year of mission, “HOPE 23-24”, which aims to unite the church across denominations and organisations to offer the hope of Jesus to the nation for a year of mission starting in September 2023. Christian leaders up and down the country committing to praying, planning, and working together with their denominations and organisations to launch local initiatives and projects. When we first heard about this, we were blown away with how much we felt God providing us with a vision of hope for the young people of Southport – so we’re saying: “bring it on!”
We’ll also round off the day with a time of worship and prayer for Southport, led by favourite artists from the Sonfest family. We’re really blessed that they’ve agreed to come and still be a part of the day!