You made it! You’re on our website and just a few seconds of typing away from being entered for our Rooted Journal Give-Away! There’s a pretty solid chance you’ll get one at this stage, as it’s still kinda early days! First, deffo make sure you’ve watched our latest video explaining how to use the journal:

Sweet! There we go!

One last thing – do the decent thing and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel if you haven’t already – it’s kinda the done thing when it comes to online give-aways:

Ok great, here’s the form! Just pop in your name and your street address. (We don’t need anything else – no favourite ice cream flavours or Netflix recommendations thanks yeah…)

We strive to adhere to EU privacy regulations in all circumstances, inclusive of the new 2018 legislation. Upon submitting this form, you a) are actively agreeing your consent to the above details being used by SASW Trust to deliver your give-away gift from Safe Space Online and b) actively demonstrating your understanding that all details are stored in a secure online system, secure digital spreadsheets, or under lock & key, and c) understand that your details will be deleted as soon as delivery has been made.