Every year we produce a fresh 45-minute production from scratch for the primary schools of Southport and beyond. Our staff and volunteers tour from school to school throughout December taking the show on the road and performing up to 20 times to both Key Stage 1 and 2. From Frozen, to The Greatest Snowman, to superheroes, to the Lion King, to whatever other themes we’ve been able to dream up, our productions have been touring Southport & beyond since 1999.

This recent production was inspired by the works of Roald Dahl with a dramatic story following everyone’s favourite “bookworm” at school as her and her classmates guided over 4000 children through their story of fun, music, drama, comedy, festivity and meaning. Up against a very grinchy headteacher character, Matilda and her classmates finally found the power inside themselves to change the world through a secret class nativity play.

Each performance finishes with an inspiring message and challenge after reflecting on the difference the first Christmas made and the impact of the life Jesus went on to live, bringing hope to billions for centuries to come.

An incredible amount of preparation work goes into each year’s show, especially given the high level of multimedia production. Other shows from the last three years of productions were also adapted for full length video, professionally edited and uploaded online for everyone to watch. We are always thrilled to hear the great feedback from families who have watched it together at home. Here they are free for your viewing pleasure:

Christmas 2023

Christmas 2021

Christmas 2020

The Christmas productions are always the most well remembered feature of our primary school work, particularly in the conversations we have years later with students in secondary schools.