Welcome to our 2020 Anti-Bullying Primary School Workshop! This workshop is our response to the Anti-Bullying Alliance’s annual theme of being “United Against Bullying” during national Anti-Bullying Week, beginning 16th November.
Two things before you begin…
1. Make sure every pupil has a printed copy of the Anti-Bullying Alliance’s Jigsaw Piece Handout
2. Let us know who’s watching…
The Video:
The following video is led by Tabz (David Taberner) and Hettie from our Safe Space Collective Worship Assembly Videos. The workshop video follows a similar pattern, however also features two sections of guided activities for pupils to do at their tables.
The first, at 10.51mins in, is a 2 minute challenge to write a list of as many types of bullying as the pupils can think of in pairs. The second is a few minutes space to start decorating their puzzle piece at 20mins in.
The two ideas mentioned for extra time as pupils perhaps continue decorating their puzzle pieces:
1. The Anti-Bullying Alliance’s official 2020 Primary school video:
2. Our online jigsaw game created specially for Anti-Bullying Week:
Anti-Bullying Week is largely led nationally by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, of which we don’t claim any official affiliation – but we really support their efforts and what to help our local schools aspire to the Anti-Bullying Week 2020 manifesto for change:
“This year, more than ever, we’ve witnessed the positive power that society can have when we come together to tackle a common challenge. Anti-Bullying Week is no different. Bullying has a long lasting effect on those who experience and witness it. But by channelling our collective power, through shared efforts and shared ambitions, we can reduce bullying together. From parents and carers, to teachers and politicians, to children and young people, we all have a part to play in coming together to make a difference. We’re all a piece in the puzzle, and together, we’re united against bullying.”
Learning Objectives:
Safe Space is a project of Southport & Area Schools Worker Trust, creating a safe space to explore the big issues of life and faith in local schools, which puts anti-bullying firmly on our agenda with the following learning objectives:
- To better understand what bullying is with the intent of helping pupils look out for it.
- To implement widened understanding through how we look to each play our part in stamping out bullying.
- To see an impact in each child making a personalised individual effort to stand up against bullying.